
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Commentary--- "Operation: Yanken Franken"

For Anyone Who might've missed It on account of the joyous Independence Day Weekend, a despicable Human Being was finally allowed Admittance into the United States Senate.

A despicable Human Being who began as an Ivy Leaguer (Harvard) and Vietnam War Protester. A failed Radio Commentator for an equally Unsuccessful Radio Network. (Air America.) An Expert Tax Dodger and Screwer-Over-er of the Workers Who work under Him. (Read: refusing to pay Health Benefits for His own Employees, yet routinely criticizes the Government and private Corporations for not doing the same.)

And worst of All, a Funnyman Who has never actually succeeded at being Funny. (Just a Cheapshot Artist.)

In other Words, Senator Al Franken of Minnesota. But fear not, Dear Reader, that will be the last Time You Read that in this Blog. Henceforth, Mr. Franken shall ONLY be referred to as either "The-Dishonourable-Over-Compensatingly-Thick-Pair of- Glasses-For An-Inferiority-Complex-as-Large-as-The-Man-In-The-Moon" or "His Fraudulency" or perhaps on some Days just as "Excrement That Can Speak."

It is quite Curious that in the only Instance where this "Excrement" has been Successful at Anything, that the aforementioned Excrement from Minnesota had to do so by cheating. (Or insuring that duplicate extra Ballots for registered Voters who didn't even Exist would be counted for the First Time...err...I mean "Re-counted" in heavily Democratic Counties, and using an utterly partisan, Pro-Democratic State Aparatus to insure that true Recounts would only occur in "selected" (Read: Pro-Democratic) Counties and not Statewide, as was the usual Custom in the State of Minnesota when Elections have been contested in the Past. These are Simplifications of the Facts in this Case yes, but are, nevertheless, still the Facts.

Yes, the Election was Stolen.

If One doubts this for a Moment, then ask Yourself this, how often does One see in a close contested Election the One who is significantly Behind on Election Night overtake the leading Candidate?

In any Rate, even IF this Analysis were completely Wrong in this Case, It would still not change the Fact that an utterly unworthy, shameless, and characterless Human Being has been elected to High Office, and that is a severe Indictment on the Character and the remarkably low Level of Intelligence of the many Minnesotans Who chose to elect Mr. Franken-Excrement.

However, there is a Lesson One can take from this sad Episode....And that is to at last Fight Back against Our Adversaries in the American"Treasonist" Movement.

We can begin with Senator Excrement from Minnesota.

Call your Non-Liberal Senator. Urge them to have the Guts to break with the Rules of Senatory Procedure, When The Excrement gets up to speak on the Senate Floor, Non Liberal Senators please disrupt Him and shout Him down, so that NOTHING Senator Excrement says may be heard, and savagely mock Him Publicly, whether on the Senate Floor or elsewhere on Cable News Political Shows.

Follow Senator Excrement around wherever He goes in Public. Film His every Move with Your Camera Phones, private Non-Liberal Citizens of Minnesota, continuously ask Him annoying, yet Legitimate Questions about His shady past Activities at every possible Public Opportunity, and when He is caught in embarrassing Public Moments, post it on Youtube. Call Your Non-Liberal Senator again and agan, and ask Them to begin Monitoring Senator Excrement's Activities in the Senate, or to open repeated "Ethics Investigations" into ALL of His Dealings, whether Public or Private, in order that it may completely drain His personal and political Funds, and hopefully drive him into Bankruptcy when all is said and done. Jam the Phone Lines of His Offices with Phone Calls concerning "Important Problems He needs to Address" that are not actually important at All.

Comb over His High School Term Papers, College Essays, and any Application or any other Public Form He has ever filled out (If they can be Obtained) and purposely only look for and publish the most scandalous Excerpts in friendly News/Blogging Venues. Picket all of His Residences, loudly protesting EVERYTHING He says and does, no matter how Relevant or Ridiculous.

In short, do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING just barely within the legal Bounds to make His Life and Term in Office a living Hell, stop at ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to make an Example of Senator Excrement and hopefully drive him into Resignation, Expulsion, or God-Willing, or a nervous breakdown that forces Him to be expelled from Office.

In short, do everything that Treasonists like Him and Others have done to true and Patriotic Americans over the years. As They are fond of saying, let Us speak Truth to Power...or even MORE accurately, let Us as the TRUE Power speak to them in a way that FORCES Them to finally listen.

As of now, let Us commence Operation: Yanken Franken

Vive La Resistance?


~ Silas DoGoode

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