Bill O'Reilly Says Jackson Is No Black Icon
"FOX News host Bill O'Reilly is famous for incendiary statements and no holds barred debates, and he continued his streak of controversial comments in his first broadcast after Michael Jackson's memorial service Tuesday. After opening the segment with a pledge to honor the Jackson family's request for privacy, O'Reilly digs right in with criticisms of Jackson's kids, spending habits - and skin care."
COMMENTARY: Oh YEESSS this Article is not BIASED in favor of Jackson in the LEAST is It? *Snork*
O'Reilly is right here on this point, Anonymous Writer/Ignoramus over at Popeater who wrote this is wrong. He ISN'T a Black Icon, or ANY kind of Icon...Just the rightful butt of Jokes, Mockery, and Scorn that He created with His own Words and Actions. Jackson died as foolishly as He lived and got the kind of pathetic End He deserved. One can only Hope that the same kind of End and " very warm" final Destination will hold True for those mindless Idiots all over the World who now support "the King of Pop" when They eventually meet Theirs...many, many years from now.
"FOX News host Bill O'Reilly is famous for incendiary statements and no holds barred debates, and he continued his streak of controversial comments in his first broadcast after Michael Jackson's memorial service Tuesday. After opening the segment with a pledge to honor the Jackson family's request for privacy, O'Reilly digs right in with criticisms of Jackson's kids, spending habits - and skin care."
COMMENTARY: Oh YEESSS this Article is not BIASED in favor of Jackson in the LEAST is It? *Snork*
O'Reilly is right here on this point, Anonymous Writer/Ignoramus over at Popeater who wrote this is wrong. He ISN'T a Black Icon, or ANY kind of Icon...Just the rightful butt of Jokes, Mockery, and Scorn that He created with His own Words and Actions. Jackson died as foolishly as He lived and got the kind of pathetic End He deserved. One can only Hope that the same kind of End and " very warm" final Destination will hold True for those mindless Idiots all over the World who now support "the King of Pop" when They eventually meet Theirs...many, many years from now.
Michael Jackson Memorial
"We've learned Michael Jackson's body will not be going back to Forest Lawn.The body will go somewhere else pending final burial -- we don't know where that is. If a casket goes to Forest Lawn, it's a decoy.We've learned the death certificate lists Forest Lawn as the responsible mortuary because the body was embalmed there -- but the rest is being kept secret."
For More On The Story, CLICK TMZ.COM
COMMENTARY: Perhaps if One needs a "Decoy Casket" or a Need to hold Their Memorial Service at the Staples Centre One might be just a BIT too famous? All this adulation for a Man Who was at best a strange weirdo Who engaged in ethically inappropriate Behaviour with Children and at worst a Pedophile who got away with His Crimes sickens me. As far as I am concerned the Man had been "Dead" for Ten Years at least already. Get over it, Celebrity Worshipers.
"We've learned Michael Jackson's body will not be going back to Forest Lawn.The body will go somewhere else pending final burial -- we don't know where that is. If a casket goes to Forest Lawn, it's a decoy.We've learned the death certificate lists Forest Lawn as the responsible mortuary because the body was embalmed there -- but the rest is being kept secret."
For More On The Story, CLICK TMZ.COM
COMMENTARY: Perhaps if One needs a "Decoy Casket" or a Need to hold Their Memorial Service at the Staples Centre One might be just a BIT too famous? All this adulation for a Man Who was at best a strange weirdo Who engaged in ethically inappropriate Behaviour with Children and at worst a Pedophile who got away with His Crimes sickens me. As far as I am concerned the Man had been "Dead" for Ten Years at least already. Get over it, Celebrity Worshipers.
Alec Baldwin Still Mulling Over A Run For Office
"Acclaimed actor Alec Baldwin is no stranger to politics. The star of "30 Rock" and numerous Hollywood films has often voiced his support of Democratic candidates over the years."
For More, See Politics Daily, HERE
COMMENTARY: In the first place Mr. Baldwin is ALL hot air and Emptiness...Until You make good on Your previous "threat" to move to France that is now Eight Years past due, I refuse to give any credence to Anything You say in the Political Arena (Nor to any of the other brain-dead Mongoloids who are permitted to write slobbering Drivel for The Huffington Post.)
In the second place, Congress already has enough Democrats and Treasonists within Its Membership at Present. (Please refer back to Senator Excrement Franken whom You also supported.) Perhaps it would be better and BRAVER to do something ORIGINAL, like running as an Independent with Your own money and without help from any political Party, a Libertarian, or even dare I say, a Republican if You REALLY had some Stones. Otherwise, shut Your Mouth.
Little People Want 'Midget' Banned on TV
"NEW YORK (July 5) - Little people are calling on the Federal Communications Commission to ban the use of the word "midget" on broadcast TV.
The group Little People of America said Sunday the word is just as offensive as racial slurs."
To Read More about the Midgets CLICK HERE
COMMENTARY: Okay, Number One, Midgets are NOT a Race....they are a Condition....just as there are Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, and etc, etc Persons with Down Syndrome...They too are not a Race in of Themselves.
Iwill call Whoever I wish whatever I damn well please in any Medium, Place or Forum I want, as often as I want, and there Is NOTHING that Anyone can do to silence Me. This is America...You have the Right to be as Insensitive, Mean, Selfish, and Intolerant as You wish. Huzzah, Individual Liberty!
Okay, for the sake of Argument, just for the moment, You win....We'll all stop calling You Midgets....How's that, "Little Shite Leprechauns?"
What is the Lesson here People? Be very, VERY careful what You wish for!
Oh, and That Freedom is ALWAYS a Superior State than a Police State of Political Correctness....even when that Freedom is Ugly.
B.C. soda can collector stopped with $29,000 in cash
"A B.C. man found with $29,000 stuffed in plastic Baggies in his car says he had the cash because he had been collecting soda cans.
With a five-cent deposit on pop cans in the province, that works out to almost 600,000 aluminum cans."
More on The Story From the
COMMENTARY: It always amazes Me what will ACTUALLY pass for national News in Canada.
Giant Hummingbird Crop Circle Appears In Wiltshire Barley Field
"A crop circle depicting a 300ft-long hummingbird has appeared in a barley field in Wiltshire...."
COMMENTARY: Perhaps it's just Me, but didn't I see that Design on the Hood of an old Pontiac Muscle Car? Or in a Star Trek movie? Isn't that the Gang sign for the Romulans?
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