
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Essays--- "The Real Reason For Opposition To Gay Marriage" July 8, 2009

I thought It best early On In the first Stages of My Blog here to tackle what Some would no Doubt consider one of the most important Issues of Our Time..."Gay Marriage."

While Many in the Liberal Pro-Gay Treasonist circles of the Media would like to label All of Those Opposed to Gay Marriage at any Level for any Reason as completely universally Intolerant Anti-Homosexual Bigot Nazis on Speed, the Issue is actually quite a bit more complicated than That.

The greatest Irony of all here, is that these "Progressive" Critics are Often as ANTI-RELIGIOUSLY Bigoted as They would accuse the Idealistic/Religious Opposition of being bigoted in turn toward Homosexuals.

Let us revisit the First Amendment of The Constitution for a moment shall We?

"Congress shall make no Law respecting an establishment of Religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof or abridging the Freedom of Speech...."

Freedom of Speech, and Freedom of Religion, guaranteed to all Citizens of the American Republic, spelled out all in one single Amendment, and in plain English that even a neophyte Mongoloid could understand.

Now then, what is My Point here?

Simply thus....while Many are Opposed to "Gay Marriage" on Religious grounds (The classic Leviticus 18:22 Argument)...the Issue for many more actually rests on the Idea of Individual Rights....even for the Opposition camp. You See, many, like Myself included do not really care whether or not Homosexuals want to legally be "joined" and recognized by the secular State. If Gay Male A suddenly passes on and wished to have his Employee pension benefits posthumously awarded to his Life Partner B who had been with him faithfully for more than 20 Years, I certainly am not arguing that he should be denied that opportunity, nor would many Others on ALL Sides of the Issue in Question.

No, why I Personally am Hesitant to support, or perhaps even outright opposed to Gay Marriage, even on the "Legality" side of things is because of what I and Others believe to be the duplicitous and "double-standard nature" on which the Idea is sold to the American Public.

Based on previous experience with "experiments" made by "Progressive" Legal minds, such as Hate Crimes Legislation for instance, what happens when Gay Marriage becomes the Universal Federal standard throughout the Nation, or at least the vast Majority of the States?

Will religious Denominations who are Opposed to Gay Marriage be Legally "coerced" or sued into marrying Homosexual Couples? How about into changing Their sacred Texts? Will They be threatened with losing Their "Tax-Exempt Status" if they refuse to go along with the Tide of "Hip" Public Opinion?

Will Reverends, Rabbis, Imans, Priests, Pastors or other Religious Leaders Who are outspoken in preaching the Doctrines of their Respective Faiths be subject to Fines or Arrest on the grounds of new "Federal/State Hate Crimes Legislation" and "Hate Speech Violations?"

It has certainly happened in Other Western Democracies (See Germany with its "Anti-Holocaust Speech Laws" or France with Brigitte Bardot and Her Anti-Islamic statements last Summer. Even Canada has Its "Hate Crimes Speech Review Boards" in force.)

I believe the REAL reason for the most Extreme of Gay Marriage Supporters and Activists (which is probably the Majority of Them) to Push such Laws through is truly NOT for Equal Rights at all....Rather to FORCE and INTIMIDATE Public Opinion through the threat of Legal Reprisal and "Hate Speech Laws" to CONFORM to Their view and Their view only...oh, and to strike a grand Hammerblow against all forms of Non-Atheistic Belief in this Country.

That is why these "Activists" are so dead-set against only having "Civil Unions." They MUST "Re-Educate" Us with the Aide of Celebrities and the Courts, and We the Majority must Surrender Our backward Belief Systems to Theirs...Or Else!

In the End, it matters not whether You believe in "complete" Gay Marriage Rights or not, or even Favor some sort of Compromise (Such as I do, ironically enough) the most important and pressing Question is....How is ANY of this Gay Rights Agenda Push in keeping with the sound Traditions of American Law?

It is curious that Gay Rights Supporters frequently cite the Fourteenth Amendment as Source for their Right to be legally Married wherever they choose....

See what It says for Yourself:

"All Persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the Jurisdiction thereof, are Citizens of the United States and of the State wherein They reside. No State shall make or enforce Any Law which shall abridge the Privileges and Immunities of Citizens of the United States, nor shall any State deprive any person of Life, Liberty, or Property without the due Process of Law; nor deny to Any Person within Its Jurisdiction the Equal Protection of the Laws."

Observe again the last Portion: "nor deny to Any Person within Its Jurisdiction the Equal Protection of the Laws."

Indeed.... so by that rationale Homosexual Couples by the Activist Logic should be Constitutionally allowed to get married....Okay, let Us not debate that point for now, Let's say for the sake of Brevity that's clear enough by the Amendment.

But if that same cumbersome "Equal Protection under the Laws" thing applies to Homosexual Marriages would it not also "equally apply" to the Rights of Anti-Gay Marriage Opponents to DISAGREE with the Gay Lifestyle?

How is the Passage of "Hate Crimes Legislation" or "Hate Speech Laws" which would single out Crimes committed against "Minorities" (Homosexuals in particular) and "Hate Speech" spoken (again, against Homosexuals) for "Extra" Fines and "added" punishment under the Law, HOW IS THIS "Equal Protection?"

Why is One Person's Murder or Harassment under the Law any MORE ignominious than Anyone Else's?

How is that even Legal?

How is Their ultimate Goal to pass all these first long-denied Rights of Marriage and, then, grant a new Protected "Special Status" to Homosexuals via Hate Speech/Crime Laws NOT a Violation of the First Amendment (Freedom of a Religion to Oppose Homosexuals is their Opinions and Scriptures without Government Persecution...Read: FINES) AS WELL AS also a Violation of that same Fourteenth Amendment (The Murder of a Neo-Nazi Racist Bigot White Redneck Homophobe with a Third Grade Reading Level from Vidor, TX is to be punished the same as a Flaming Queen Male Ballet Dancer Transvestite New Yorker with full-Blown AIDS.)

In closing, It is quite curious that these Homosexual Rights Activists will argue for the absolute Letter of Constitutional Law when They seek the Right to Marry, Yet it is quite Clear that in the end this "passage of Right" is only a "Gateway" to further "Hate Speech/Crimes Laws" and Agendas that will, ultimately make it a CRIME to oppose Them in any Degree, shape, Form or Fashion, and will curtail all Personal Liberties...because if this can be done for ONE "Special Group" it will be done so for ALL others.

(Except All Non-Liberals Of course!)

THIS is why I Oppose Gay Marriage. The American Republic was created so that there would be NO "Privileged" or "Specially-Protected" classes under the Law. (Even IF they look FABULOUS in Capri Pants and blonde Highlights.)

Let Gays and all Other "Oppressed Minorities" who suffer Slight, Murder, and Theft, suffer through the same Incompetent, Tedious, and often all-too-often error ridden Justice System, they can get Screwed over by Lawyers and Legalise the same as Everyone long as I get to keep my Individual Liberty.

Justice is Not Social....Only Individual.

~ Silas DoGoode

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