* The Following is My take on current issues, isnpired by, and borrowing from the Famous Speech made by Former Virginia Governor and Founding Father Patrick Henry. I sincerly Hope that He would Approve...of this Speech at least! *
AMERICAN CITIZEN: No One thinks less highly than I do of the "Patriotism" as well as the "Abilities" of These very "Worthy Gentleman" Who regularly speak in the People's House. Different People often see the same Subjects in vastly different Lights; and therefore, I hope It will not be thought too Respectful to These "Gentlemen" if entertaining as I do, Opinions of a Higher Character and very opposite to Theirs, that I shall speak forth My Sentiments freely without reserve.
This is no time for Ceremony. The Question before the House and the Nation is one of awful Moment to this Country. For My own Part, I consider It nothing less than a Question of Freedom or Slavery. And in Proposition to the magnitude of this Subject ought to be the Freedom of Debate. It is only in this way that We can hope to arrive at Truth, and fulfill the great Responsibility which We hold to God and Our Country. Should I keep back My Opinions at such a Time, for Fear of being "Politically Incorrect" or giving Offense, I should consider Myself as guilty of Treason and an act of Disloyalty toward the Majesty of Heaven, which I revere above all earthly Kings.
AMERICAN CITIZEN, It is natural to Humanity to indulge in the illusion of Hope and Change. We are apt to shut Our Eyes against a painful Truth- and to listen to the hip Song of that Man-Childe until He transforms Us all into Beasts of Burden. Is this the part of wise American Men and Women, engaged in a continuing struggle for Individual Liberty? Are We disposed to be of the number of Those Who, by having Eyes, see not, having Ears, hear not, These Things and recent Events of Government which so nearly concern Their Liberty and National Salvation? For My part, whatever anguish of Spirit and personal Slander against Me It may cost, I am willing to know the whole Truth; to know the worst of It all that is coming, and to provide for It.
I have but one Lamp by which My Feet are guided, and that is the Lamp of History. I have no way of judging of the Future but by the Past, I wish to know what There has been in the Conduct of the Current Liberal Democratic Administration of Our Government for the last Six Months to two Years to justify these Hopes with which many in the Press, the Weak-Kneed Pundits, and elsewhere, have been pleased in which to solace Themselves and the Nation. Is It all to be found in that insidious, self-important smirk that Our Federal Leaders lately show when Our calls, Petitions and Letters of Protest are heard by Them or received? Trust them not Sir, Their smoothness and arrogance of Manner would put a Snare upon Your Feet. Suffer Yourselves not to be betrayed with the promise of Free Money, Free Health Care, Free Housing, Sweet Words, or a Kiss. Ask Yourselves how this "gracious" reception of Our Complaints, Calls, Pleas for Time to contemplate all these Changes, Emails and concerned honest Questions to Them all in earnest comports with those fanatical, almost "warlike" Preparations which cover Our Airwaves, Newspapers, Movie Houses, State Houses, and darken Our Land? Are fleets of Progressive activist Lawyers, Judges, Czars, Political Operatives, and Armies of red-shirted Groundworkers necessary to a work of Love for Tradition and Reconciliation with the Principles of Personal Liberty?
Have we shown Ourselves so in need to be "Re-programmed" to be changed from the Path that blessed Us with Our Past Glories, that the Force of new Law and Media Propaganda must now be used to win or force Our Love?
Let us not deceive Ourselves Sir. These are all the Implements of War and Subjugation; the last Arguments with which Foreign Communist "Kings" and "Banana Republic" Tyrants resort.
I ask You American, what is the meaning of this vast motivated array? If not to force Us all to surrender into the Submission of Our Nationalist Identity and Culture, to re-program every last Free American to the "correct" viewpoints of the "Global Community" to submit Our lives to the global Will of "Social Justice?"
Can We assign any other possible motive for It? Has the Executive Office, The Congress, The Political Parties, or the Media, any Enemy in Us, the ordinary Patriotic, Freedom-loving, and prosperous Middle-Class American, to warrant such an accumulation of Power, our Wealth, and the collusion of all Their Resources against Us?
No, They have no such Enemy in the ordinary American.
This movement of Presidential Propaganda, Law, and the Manipulation is meant for Us They can be meant for no Other People. Their Purpose is to bind and rivet the chains upon Us that these "Progressives" have been forging in Their collective "Pretend" Manifestos for Decades.
And what have We to oppose Them? Shall We try Argument with our Neighbors? Complaining? Sir, we have been trying to make These Treasonist "Progressive" Elitists see the sound Wisdom of Our Founders for Years.
Have We anything new to offer Them on the Subject that might suddenly turn Them all from Their enduring hatred of Us and of Our shared Heritage? No! We have held this Subject up to the Light at every Opportunity in which We were capable, but It has all been in Vain.
Shall We resort to humble Supplication to Their Will? What terms or pathways shall We try to reach Them with that have not already been exhausted, especially If They wish for Us Tyranny and do not WANT to be reached?
Let Us not, I beseech You fellow American, deceive Ourselves any longer. Sir, We have done Everything which could be done to avert the Storm which is now coming on. We have petitioned, We have sent Emails, We have staged Protests and overloaded Our "Leaders" with Our angry dissatisfied Cries and Phone Calls. We have supplicated, We have tried to be polite and even on shameful occasion, prostrated Ourselves before Obama's Throne and implored Him to arrest the utter Tyranny of His Administration and the idiot Congress. Our Protests and Petitions have been slighted, the expression of Our legitimate Concerns and Opinions have produced violent inhuman Insults and Slanders, Our attempts and friendliness of Compromise with Them disregarded, and have been spurned with elitist Contempt from the Foot of His Throne. In vain. after These Things may We Indulge in the fond silly Hope of finding Common Ground with Our Opponents and an end to National Divisiveness.
There Is No LONGER Room For That Kind Of Hope!!
If We wish to remain Free, If We mean to preserve those Rights for which We have for so long been faithfully contending, if We mean to not basely abandon the Struggle to keep Our Liberty with which We have so long tried to engage Others, THEN WE MUST FIGHT!
An appeal to the Arms of Hostile Reason, a Resistance to Their Message in every Place, and a cry unto Heaven are all the options that are left Us!!
They tell us Sir in so many ways that We are Weak, that We are Stupid, unable to cope with so highly "Evolved" and "Enlightened" an Adversary. But WHEN shall We be stronger? Will It be next Week or next Year?? Will it be when We are totally disarmed and when an Obama Party brain-dead "Storm-Trooper" shall be stationed in every American Home? Shall we gather Strength by Irresolution or Inaction? Shall We acquire the means of effectual Resistance by lying helplessly on Our backs and desperately clinging to the cold lifeless false Image of the Phantom of Hope and Change, and until Our Treasonist hateful Enemies within Our Country have bound Us all who disagree by Hand, Foot, and Mouth?
Sir, We are NOT weak, if We make proper use of Those Means by which the God of Nature hath placed in Our Power. More than half of 300 Million People, armed, educated, and angry with the fire of the Cause of Liberty, and in such as a Land that We possess are Invincible by any measure of Force, Congressmen, or Community Organizers that our Treasonits Enemies may send against Us!!
Besides, We shall not fight this Battle Alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of Nations and Who will raise up Compatriots of Freedom-loving Persons from here and all over the World to fight this Battle with Us. This Battle is not to the Strong Alone; it is to the Vigilant; the Active, the Brave. Besides sir if we sit back and do nothing now, We will have no Election, no more the option to resist by way of the Ballot Box, if We are, in the end, base enough to desire It.
It is indeed now too late to retreat from the Contest for Our Nation's very Soul and Being. There IS NO RETREAT but to that of Submission and Class Slavery! Our Chains are forged, They can be heard all the way from the Houses of Government, in California, Illinois, Michigan, Massachusetts, and Washington DC. Conflict, "Total War" with these Ideologies of Marxism and Treason is inevitable and so let It come, I repeat, LET IT COME!!
It is Vain to procrastinate Our Courage on the matter, or to see These Persons who put a Foreign Marxist Ideology above that of Their Own National Heritage of Freedom as Our Fellow Americans any Longer. These Persons are NOT OUR COUNTRYMEN, They are not Our Brothers or Sisters, they are Our Vile Enemies and should be defended against and hated with the same never-ending Zeal as any Others, Adversaries, Foreign or Domestic.
Others will loudly cry "Peace Peace Peace with Them at all costs!!" But, there is no Peace!! The "War" has already begun! The next Gale that sweeps from the Northeast, or polluted Tide of the Potomac, or Breeze from the Left Coast will bring to Our Eyes and Ears the unbelievable clash of resounding Arms against Us!! Our TRUE Countrymen and Women are already in the Field! Why stand We here Idle? What is that You Fence-sitting Americans wish? What more would You have need of for Advice, Motivation, or a Wake-Up Call?
Is Life so dear, or Peace so sweet as to be purchased by the chains of Perpetual Debt, Classism, Racism, the Denial of Our Historical Birthrights and of Eternal Ideological Slavery?
Forbid It Almighty God, I know not what Course Others may take, but as for Me Let Me KEEP My Liberty, Or Give Me Death!!!!
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