
Friday, July 17, 2009

Essay-- "What Is Individualism?"

It all comes down to One.

What? I just thought I'd Answer the first Questions that no Doubt must be stumbling through Your Head as You've tripped into My Blog, even BEFORE You've actually asked Them aloud. Curiously enough, They all have that same Answer.....It all goes back to One. Very easy to take care of, all in one go, simple and Convenient.

And just what ARE those Questions?

Why "Individualist?" Why "Individualism?' What does it mean to have a Blog called the "Daily Individualist?'" Why now...and what does Individualism even mean?

Again, glad You telepathically asked...and again, it all goes back to One.

And WHAT does that whole One thing mean?

Why, um....YOU....of course.

Oh, and Me....and Your Friends...and...uhh.....MY Friends...and Everyone Point of Fact.

Sounds like more than One doesn't It? Sure, of course it would. When One looks at it that way this previous Statement would seem like a Contradiction, but I can assure You it is not.

You only need look at a little Phrase printed on Our Money to know what I am talking About....and NO not the more "famous" One that some Idiots are trying to expel...not that One, at least, not for Now.

No, I'm referring to the One in rleation to the Great Seal, You know, "Et Pluribus Unum"

Or, in the rough Latin, "Out of Many....One."

Some People would interpret this to mean basically.... "You take the smaller lesser significant Pieces, People, States, Colonies, Squirrels, or whatever, and then combine Their little, insignificant Existences into one giant Superpower of a Big Kahuna Squirrel Nut Tree Commune of unstoppable Will, Power, and Prestige."

Nope, that is not what It means at All. At least, not from My Point of View. In fact, one could just as easily reverse the Motto to say, "Et Unum Pluribus" or "From One, Many"

A simple Question to You before We continue....Ever bake Anything?

(Fully...not as in "Half -Baked" or anything like that!)

Okay, let Us Amend that to say, Ever bake Anything WELL?? Cookies, Cake, a Pie?

Fine. Everyone knows for this Process You need a variety of various Ingredients and Additives for special Flavour and whatnot.

Well, if You are out to create Your own special Recipe for Cookies, a Cake, a Brown Betty, or a Cobbler, etc the Idea is to add Your Ingredients so They're still in there and One can still taste them, no matter what happens during the baking Process, right?

Does the Sugar completely disappear once It is baked into the Cake? How about the Cinnamon, or the Vanilla, or the Nutmeg? Can One still taste these INDIVIDUAL Flavours inside the Cake?

Of course You can! That's the Goal of adding These Extra Ingredients in the first place.

Well then, let Us make it clear that We are All each singularly Individual Pieces in this "American Pie" of sorts...We have each Our own unique "flavours" Thoughts, Ideas, Consciousness, and most importantly of all these Things, Our own unique INTERESTS

These do not simply dissolve into Nothing once We examine how We are part of the Whole...You are still You, separate, yet also apart of the Whole at the same Time.

Weird? No, not really.

You see, the American Republic that You live in right now (Hopefully if You are dead and can actually read whilst in invisible spectral Form, You've got more important things to do) was DESIGNED to function in just such a way. It was formed so that EVERY Man and Woman could live as an Individual Being to pursue Their own Vision of Their Lives, and that Children could live in Freedom and Safety enough to Dream up a Vision of Their own that They could Pursue one Day.

A Dream and a Life unique to every American Human Being....A State was created to serve and protect this very Purpose. We as Individual Human Beings were not created, nor do We exist for serving the Dreams of the Government.

Individualism is the very Essence of Self-Interest. Individualism is the beating Heart of American Culture. Individualism is the sole Singularity of Our National Psyche. In America, "Selfishness" is NOT a dirty Word or a Sin, but Article of the Secular American "Faith."

An Individualist rejects the often repeated maxim, "It takes a Village to raise a Childe." And instead believes "It takes a Childe to raise Himself" or, that is to say, It takes a Childe especially with extreme Curiosity and an insatiable Hunger for Knowledge to seek It out for Their own Benefit, to learn because They Alone want to know All They can about Everything. It is the Responsibility of the Childe to be as the growing hungry Lion in the Savanna, to hunt down Knowledge and Truth for Themselves, and to never accept exclusively the" Insta-Diet" of Knowledge Provided by Others.

If an Individualist does not know the meaning of a Word, or the Ideology of a certain Faith or a Political Movement etc, He seeks out the Sourcebook of that Movement or Idea and reads all He can about It Himself for Himself. An Individualist believes Wisdom and Intellect are not Gifts of Birth or from the Divine alone, but are earned by the Sweat of one's the Work of deep Study and Contemplation.

Individualism believes a Man or Woman's Income and Home is Theirs (not the Government's) A Man (or Woman's) Land is Theirs (not the Government's) A Person's Beliefs are Their own (Not the World's) and that Their Destiny is of Their own choosing (not the World's or The Government's.)

An Individualist is not One to be swept up by Causes or the emotional Rhetoric of popular Sentiments. An Individualist makes up His own Mind about Global Warming. An Individualist drives an SUV, another type of Vehicle, or rides public Transportation for the ONLY Reason that THEY ALONE chose to do so. An Individualist does not do Things for the "Goode of the Community" nor care about "World Opinion." An individualist's primary focus is on Their own Life and Beliefs...Their learned Viewpoint is ultimately the One that counts for Them, not Someone Else's. For the Individualist, Saving the Planet or "Social Justice" either are completely irrelevant or will never be quite as Important as maintaining the maximum level of Their own personal Liberty and Freedom. It is because of the Strength of Will of the Individual that Government exists, not the Strength of Government giving rise to the Individual.

For every Society is merely a grouping of Humans, and at Its most elemental unit of Measure is just a single Human Being. Whether a President, a Homeless Man, Pastor, Atheist, Northern, Southern, Eastern, Western, or Native American in the end, We are all just one single Individual Human Being...with an Individual consciousness separate and yet in tandem with all Others. Regardless of Titles, Status, or Celebrity, at the core of the matter, We are all each just one unique Human being, and one unique Goal, self-contained in that sense unto Ourselves, as intended by Divinity, or by the inherent Nature of Our allegedly unplanned dispassionate, inert Universe. Regardless what one believes on the former This Fact of Our own Human Existence remains Self-Evident. NO ONE, not another Person, nor a "Clique' " Oligarchy, or a Society at Large, has the right to completely take away Your Individual Rights inherently granted unto You to live Your own Life Independent of the Will of Anyone else, and to Pursue Your own Happiness.

An Individualist believes that the Human Species is not one akin to other living social Creatures such Ants and Bees, but is rather like the Lion or even more accurately the Wolf. Wolves may choose to live either in Packs or as Solitary Hunters roaming in Individual ranges, whichever living arrangement best suits Their own best Interest at that Time, but always It is the Instinct, it is always apart of the Wolf's DNA to be able to Hunt, Live and Survive for Itself alone if need be. It is not in It to ever be Hesitant to try and Survive for Its own sake...nor should We. An Individualist believes Humans are not, nor have We ever truly been "cogs" in a Machine.

It is now commonly Agreed upon, whether by revered Religious Leaders or respected Scientists, that all of Humanity began with a single Human Individual. I would amend that further to say It also Ends with a single Human Being too.

Like I said, It all come back to to One....YOU.

In the final analysis, only You know what's truly best for Yourself. In the end, only You can defend Your own Rights. Only YOU can decide whether You're going to seek Knowledge for Yourself and limit the influences of Government and "Groupthink" on Your Life, or go with the strong flowing Current of the current Age. Do You have what It takes to think for Yourself, do You have the inner Strength and Resolve to commit to live for Your own Self-Interest on a daily Basis, no matter the crushing pressures of Popular Sentiment and Society? Do You have It in You to exist as Humans were truly meant to do so, as a Daily Individualist?

I hope for Your own Sake and for the Sake of Human Freedom that You Do.

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